Juego / Game: Dragon Spirit.
Tipo de juego /Game type: Shoot'em up de scroll vertical / Vertically scrolling shoot'em up.
Año de lanzamiento / Release year: 1989.
Originalmente publicado por /Originally published by: Domark Ltd.
Autores / Authors: Consult Computer Systems.

Zawell, la milenaria serpiente demoníaca, archienemiga del reino de Mitgult desde el principio de los tiempos, ha capturado a la princesa Alicia y la retiene como rehén en alguna parte de su oscura fortaleza. Desafortunadamente para ti, Zawell cuenta con una horda de engendros del infierno para proteger su guarida. Aves descomunales, plantas carnívoras, furiosos dinosaurios, monstruosos sapos, peces sobredimensionados, letales murciélagos y muchos otros monstruos habitan en las tierras de Zawell. La misión de rescate parece imposible.
Lo que tus enemigos no saben es que has sido agraciado por los dioses con el poder de transformarte en un dragón legendario, capaz de volar más allá de las nubes y de incinerar a sus oponentes en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
Atrévete a encarnar a Amul, el valiente soldado transformado en la más fascinante criatura mitológica en esta conversión de máquina recreativa para ZX Spectrum. ¿Posees el espíritu del dragón?
Zawell, the millenarian serpent demon, arch enemy of the kingdom of Mitgult since the beginning of time, has seized princess Alicia and holds her hostage somewhere in his dark fortress. Unfortunately for you, Zawell counts on a horde of spawns from hell to protect his lair. Huge birds, carnivore plants, furious dinosaurs, monstrous toads, oversized fish, lethal bats and many other monsters inhabit Zawell's lands. The rescue mission seems impossible.
What your enemies don't know is that you have been gifted by the gods with the power of turning into a legendary dragon, able to fly beyond the clouds and to incinerate its enemies in the blink of an eye.
Dare to incarnate Amul, the brave soldier morphed into the most fascinating mythological creature in this coin-op conversion for ZX Spectrum. Do you possess the dragon spirit?

En Dragon Spirit deberás sobrevolar las ocho áreas dominadas por Zawell (el valle de los espíritus, la región volcánica, la jungla, el desierto, la caverna, el glaciar, el fondo oceánico y el templo del mal) para rescatar finalmente a la princesa Alicia. Tu único cometido será avanzar eliminando a cuantos enemigos puedas.
Podrás eliminar a los engendros de Zawell a través de ataques aire/aire (oponentes voladores) o ataques aire/tierra (atacantes terrestres). Al terminar cada nivel encontrarás un enemigo final, que deberá ser derrotado usando uno de los dos modos de ataque mencionados (o incluso ambos en algunos casos) antes de continuar al siguiente. Algunos obstáculos, como los tornados o las enormes esferas con pinchos, son indestructibles. Tendrás que esquivarlos.
Hay hechizos escondidos a lo largo de los ocho niveles que debes sobrevolar. Los hechizos aparecerán si rompes los huevos que irás encontrando o si eliminas ciertos enemigos. La mayoría de ellos aumentarán tu capacidad ofensiva si los recoges (algunos te proporcionarán cabezas extra o mayor potencia de fuego). Sin embargo, otros harán que tu dragón mengüe o incrementarán el poder de tus enemigos... ¡elige sabiamente!
El juego acaba cuando derrotas a Zawell al final del octavo nivel.
In Dragon Spirit you must fly over the eight areas ruled by Zawell (the valley of the spirits, the volcanic region, the jungle, the desert, the cave, the glacier, the ocean floor and the temple of evil) to finally rescue princess Alicia. Your only task will be to advance eliminating as many enemies as you can.
You will be able to eliminate Zawell's spawns through air-to-air attacks (flying opponents) or air-to-surface attacks (terrestrial attackers). At the end of each level you will find a final enemy, which must be defeated using one of the two aforementioned attack modes (or even both of them in some cases) before continuing to the next one. Some obstacles, such as tornados or huge spiked spheres, are indestructible. You will have to dodge them.
There are spells hidden through the eight levels you must fly over. The spells will appear if you break the eggs that you will find along your way, or if you eliminate certain enemies. Most of them will increase your offensive capacity if you pick them up (some will provide you extra heads or a higher fire power). However, others will make your dragon shrink or will increase the power of your enemies... choose wisely!
The game ends when you beat Zawell at the end of the eighth level.
There are spells hidden through the eight levels you must fly over. The spells will appear if you break the eggs that you will find along your way, or if you eliminate certain enemies. Most of them will increase your offensive capacity if you pick them up (some will provide you extra heads or a higher fire power). However, others will make your dragon shrink or will increase the power of your enemies... choose wisely!
The game ends when you beat Zawell at the end of the eighth level.

Dragon Spirit es una fiel conversión de máquina recreativa, con buenos gráficos y animaciones fluídas, una buena opción a considerar si buscas un shoot'em up de scroll vertical.
1.- La enorme variedad de los enemigos desde el punto de vista visual. Incluso si muchos de ellos se mueven y atacan de la misma forma, es de agradecer que cada nivel tenga sus propios enemigos.
2.- Presenta diferentes escenarios, son ocho niveles distintos en los que puedes encontrar diferentes zonas, cada una con una atmósfera particular.
3.- Ofrece algo de originalidad para variar, es agradable encontrar a un shoot'em up de scroll vertical sin un avión o nave espacial a la vista.
Aspectos mejorables:
1.- A veces resulta demasiado difícil. En ocasiones ni siquiera te darás cuenta de quién te ha matado.
2.- El juego puede volverse algo monótono.
3.- Algunos enemigos y escenarios son irreconocibles. Los gráficos en general son bastante buenos, pero a veces te rascarás la cabeza pensando "¿qué caray será esa cosa?" o "¿es esto un camino o el interior de una caverna?", sobre todo si no has jugado a la versión de máquina recreativa.
Valoración global: 7/10.
Dragon Spirit is a faithful coin-op conversion, with good graphics and smooth animations, a good option to consider if you are looking for a vertically scrolling shoot'em up.
1.- The enormous variety of enemies from the visual point of view. Even if some of them attack and move the same way, it is to thank that each level features different enemies.
2.- It features different scenarios, there are eight levels in which you can find different zones, each one with a particular atmosphere.
3.- It offers some originality for a change, it is nice finding a vertical scrolling shoot'em up without a plane or spaceship in sight.
1.- The enormous variety of enemies from the visual point of view. Even if some of them attack and move the same way, it is to thank that each level features different enemies.
2.- It features different scenarios, there are eight levels in which you can find different zones, each one with a particular atmosphere.
3.- It offers some originality for a change, it is nice finding a vertical scrolling shoot'em up without a plane or spaceship in sight.
Could be improved:
1.- It is too difficult sometimes. You won't even notice who killed you at times.
2.- The game can become a little monotonous.
3.- Some enemies and scenarios are unreconigzable. Graphics in general are quite good, but sometimes you will be scratching your head wondering "what on earth was that thing?" or "is this a road or the inside of a cave?", mostly if you haven't played the arcade version.
Overal rating: 7/10.

Los conjuros pueden aumentar o menguar tu poder.
The spells can increase or decrease your power.
The spells can increase or decrease your power.

Las criaturas terrestres son tan peligrosas como las voladoras.
Terrestrial creatures are as dangerous as flying ones.
Terrestrial creatures are as dangerous as flying ones.

¡Lucha contra monstruos alados y bestias jurásicas!
Fight against winged monsters and jurassic beasts!
Fight against winged monsters and jurassic beasts!

Un enemigo final espera al final de cada nivel.
A final enemy awaits at the end of each level.
A final enemy awaits at the end of each level.

Emplea la estrategia adecuada para cada enemigo.
Employ the right strategy for each enemy.
Employ the right strategy for each enemy.

Aumenta tu potencia de fuego tan pronto te sea posible.
Increase your fire power as soon as you can.
Increase your fire power as soon as you can.

Tres cabezas son mejor que una.
Three heads are better than one.
Three heads are better than one.
Eight levels packed with intense action!
Some enemies are indestructible, dodge them!

Bueno, es mejor que nada...
Well, it's better than nothing...
Well, it's better than nothing...
Vídeo (cortesía de RZX Archives).
Video (courtesy of RZX Archives).
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